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Hey Jeff, was looking to play Smart Kobold but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. Outside of that though, video of this game in this video here:


No probs that I can see compiling this from source on a chromebook with default tcod and sdl libs on arm64 linux using the provided makefile other than weirdly needing to export the location of libtcod header location to the g++ header environment variable. I was also able to run premake without python2  as I only have python3 on this machine and I can run the wtf_bin binary directly.

So far, gameplay is rock solid but it's definitely a task to figure out how to play. A lot of keys to remember...

This one sure had me going WTF for a little while :P

Lotta good traditional mechanics in here (some people in the stream were really surprised at the quantity!), so at least having a background in the genre made that part easy to work with, but figuring out exactly what was going on between the different worlds took some time! The run got gradually more and more interesting (I recorded the stream here), and later on I'd love to do another from scratch given everything that was learned along the way (ended up getting only one character past level 10). Probably could've used some more tips perhaps about how the world-mixing works, although maybe figuring it out is intended as part of the adventure...